Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Skiing exercises!

Dear all.

I have just bought a nice & shiny pair of boots for my hols as I invarably try on 3 pairs in one week. However as I have "high volume feet" (Snow&Rock, St Albans thanks!) I had them adjusted in every dimension possible..after 3 Hrs (yes really) they were still a bit uncomfy.

However after a few tests I found out that I have restricted movement in my ankles/calves, creating the uncomfortable feeling in my right foot. I have to say he was correct.

Try this; Head, shoulders and bum to a flat wall and see how far you can bend down without lifting your heels...I managed 3 cm, he did about 25cm, but he was 20 years younger!

I'm now streching every day and I think it's making a difference.

1 comment:

  1. high volume feet eh!
    Where's the pictures?
